Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hi! Coo?

Today, I opted to update my facebook status with the following message:

Ahh yes, the haiku
marked by its consistency
not always genius.

To give you a fair warning, this is the kind of stuff you will view on my blog. I actually consider myself to be a fairly intelligent guy, but you’re not going to see that evident in most of these posts. Every now and then, I’ll have a nugget that could be classified as pertinent, useful, or some other similar quality. But please don’t come with the expectation of that being the norm. This is simply an outlet for some of my cranial gaseous emissions.

As for the title, I probably won’t post too many ebonical items, because 1) dat's not how I roll, and 2) I am truly white, and I’m slowly starting to accept that. Fo shizzle…

Have a pleasant day, and I’ll be sure to post whenever I feel like it.

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